VREB Powers HeroWork with $20,000 Donation

Posted on April 27, 2015

The Victoria Real Estate Board’s donation of $20,000 will provide HeroWork with the funding necessary to bring renewed life to the Citizens’ Counselling Centre, which helps adults to improve their lives by providing quality volunteer counselling services.

“Our Community Relations Committee is a group of volunteer realtors who help identify amazing projects and organizations in our community who need support – we help with funding and with volunteers,” explains Committee Chair and VREB Director, Marijane Smith. “Our group unanimously agreed to support HeroWork this year. We love the way they create a safe, healthy environment for the organizations they partner with. HeroWork is a real asset to our community because it helps non-profit organizations focus on their services instead of their facilities.”

“We are extremely grateful to VREB for supporting our cause and for sending a message that Victoria adults deserve to be safe and well cared for,” said Paul Latour, Founder & Executive Director of the HeroWork Society. “Today’s donation means a great deal to people who believe, like I do, that everyone deserves to live a satisfying life and to their full potential. Their work represents a solution, not just a band aid.”


Citizens’ Counselling Centre

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